Tips For How To Care For Your Orchid This Winter

Tips For How To Care For Your Orchid This Winter - Love Orchids

Although orchids are considered to be tropical plants that require humidity and warmth, this doesn't mean that with the right care and attention they can't thrive in the winter months. Below we have compiled the best tips on how to keep a happy and healthy orchid this winter! 

- Water Your Orchid Less

As with most plants, orchids require much less water than they do in the warmer summer months. With overwatering being the most common cause of root rot in orchids, it's very important to reduce your watering as soon as the temperature starts to drop. Overwatering leading to root rot is almost impossible to bring your orchid back from so be sure to read up on more tips on when to water your orchids here!

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- Keep an Eye on the Temperature

While orchids are not a fan of colder temperatures they also don't tend to do well in dry heats either. During the winter months try to make sure your orchid can be kept warm during the day and evenings when the heating is likely on, but not too hot either. Try to find space in your home where your orchid isn't directly above a radiator but also not too far away so it can enjoy some residual heat. With this in mind, also try to avoid drafty areas as this can massively affect the temperature around your plant.  

- Try to Increase the Humidity

Orchids thrive in humid environments and by making a "humidity tray" you can really easily increase the humidity level directly around your plant. Simply fill a shallow bowl or saucer with a layer of pebbles or stones. Place your orchid on top of the pebbles, then fill the tray with water, ensuring the water doesn't reach the bottom of the pot. As the water begins to evaporate, it will humidify the air directly around the plant. This is a great low cost and easy option to help replicate the natural tropical environment of your plant. 

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- Make Sure They Receive Enough Light

Winter means shorter daylight hours. Orchids thrive in bright, indirect light, so be sure to place them in the sunniest room in your home with the most windows. Remember to not place your orchid on any window sills that would put your plant in too much direct light, perhaps choose an east facing window for optimal lighting. 

 - Regularly Check Your Orchid's Roots

It's good practice to regularly check your orchid's roots to see if they're plump and green regardless of the time of year. If you notice the roots are becoming brown or black and feel soft and slimy this is a sure sign you orchid is over watered. Similarly if your roots are dry and grey in colour this would usually indicate that you need to water a little more often. It is also good to check your orchid's leaves, wrinkled leaves are a big hint that a little extra water might be needed. 

Just like you and I, orchids need a little extra care and love over the winter months. For all orchid growers  it's essential to take extra care at this time of year with your orchids by considering their light levels, surrounding temperatures, humidity levels and .watering schedule. It will take a little time to get used to but the extra care will provide years of beautiful flowers.

Good luck!